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dealligence logoEnable better collaborations by empowering your teams' negotiation competencies
Start your dealligence mastery journey.
At dealligence®, we provide a systematic and practical approach for learning and applying good negotiation and collaboration practices for teams and colleagues working in the area of clinical development and patient access.

It's a purposely crafted way for preparing, planning, conducting and managing negotiations and collaborations that involves healthcare organizations (eg, hospitals, biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics, digital health etc), their partners (ie, CROs, labs, commercial, suppliers etc ) and other stakeholders.

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What's the problem?

A single “drug Asset” entails hundreds of Contracts, involving thousands of individuals from diverse organizations with varying Objectives and Cultures. This intricacy often leads to misunderstandings and unSatisfactory and frustrating Outcomes on all sides.


dealligence is designed to make drug development and patient access collaborations into successful and lasting partnerships.

It helps executives, clinical program managers, clinops teams, commercial, procurement/outsourcing, business development, contracts/ legal groups to achieve their collaboration objectives. (eg, new treatment approval, real world outcome, savings, reimbursement)

Developed over 20 years by Larry Ajuwon, based on hands-on experience working with all players involved in clinical development and patient access.

dealligence network consists of independent consulting partners, industry and technical experts.

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Services and Products
We provide advice, support, customized tools and solutions:
  • Competency development and learning sessions for teams using real case/projects for preparation to strategy creation
  • Advisory and Consulting to assist in specific situations and issues
  • Resources and Tools for full access to dealligence compendium, license negotiation planner, templates, guides and solutions
dealligence Compendium
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The dealligence framework comprises 54 practices that can come into play during the process

There are 8 essential practices across the 5 domains that we consider applicable and important in all situations.

Others may apply depending on the specific situation and additional practices may be identified that have proven to be consistently effective from experience.

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Dealligence Negotiation Planner Pro

The dealligence digital planner personal is a tool that enables individual negotiators and teams to:

  • Prepare, design and plan working strategies
  • Record and track actions, review learning and insights captured during the process
  • Develop and assess competency levels based on practice and experience
  • Employ mastered practices to improve ongoing and feature negotiations/collaborations
Contact us to start your dealligence® mastery journey to achieve your collaborations goals

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